Thursday, July 8, 2010

Making a Difference

I found this video while researching Web 2.0 tool and I found that it made a very interesting point about teachers who basically refuse to change their teaching ways and after teaching for so long, many just go to work on automatic mode day after day not looking forward to much. As future MTT's what would you do to change the minds of teachers who have no vision on the impact of todays educational technology in your campus?


  1. This was difficult to watch - I know change will take tremendous effort, unconditional support and unlimited encouragement from all those that engage in this essential transformation. I hope it happens fast enough.
    Great message - thank you!

  2. Wow! I pray that every teacher makes a difference in a child's life. Having an open mind and know your smile goes a long way. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I think the only way to break through the walls of the closed minded teachers is show themn how technology can make their life easier. Then onve they figure that out expand their exposure and hopefully the excitement.

  4. Great video link. I think that there are multiple little ways (hits) that we need to push over and over and over until there is realization and acceptance of th fact that change is the only way. I can see every profession getting into a rut at times, but we as teachers need to be continuously motivated as well to do better. Hopefully we are motivated just by trying to help children learn but we know that is not the case for all teachers. So what can be done... anything? Knowone really knows but I think the best method is persistence in a non threatening way. Carefully, slowly, showing, helping, probing to assist with technology or teach it to those who don't change. As well as possible monetary rewards at district level or a competition that is required with presentation with your vertical or horizontal team. Persistence is key in my opinion.
